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First Step to Improving Your Credit Profile!

Credit Surge AI Technology Easily Fixes Your Credit Like A Pro! Increase Your Credit Score By Repairing ALL 3 Credit Bureaus In Record Time. Welcome To The Future Of Credit!

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Dispute Any Account on all 3 Bureaus

Credit Surge Can Help You Dispute These Accounts From Experian, Equifax, And TransUnion:

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Informative Step-By-Step Webinars

Exclusive Access to Credit Builder Resources.

Point & Click List of 19 Lines of Primary Credit Lines

Access To Exclusive Automated Software To Dispute All 3rd Party Bureaus

Access To Our List of High Limit AGED Revolving Accounts For An Ultimate Boost

Members Only Credit Coaching Calls

Unlimited Disputes

Dispute as many accounts as you want on all 3 bureaus at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you have one account or fifty accounts to dispute, Credit Surge can easily manage and track all of them.

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Smart Import.

Credit Surge automatically imports your 3 bureau credit report without creating a hard inquiry.

Brilliant AI.

Over 80% of the reports scanned have errors and unfair accounts that can lower your financial report card. Credit Surge's Artificial Intelligence knows which accounts are hurting your credit and helps you create powerful disputes to remove them.

Brilliant AI.

Over 80% of the reports scanned have errors and unfair accounts that can lower your financial report card. Credit Surge's Artificial Intelligence knows which accounts are hurting your credit and helps you create powerful disputes to remove them.

Professional Letters.

Letters are far more effective at getting accounts permanently deleted than online disputes. Credit Surge custom letter generator helps you create effective disputes based on consumer protection laws.

Track Your Results.

Every month Credit Surge imports your new 3 bureau credit report and shows which accounts were deleted and your new credit scores. If an account wasn’t deleted, Credit Surge will suggest a new strategy for additional disputes.

Credit Score in the Dumps?

Have you ever been turned down for a home, auto loan or even denied employment?

Up To $50,000 in INSTANT approval secured and unsecured PRIMARY lines of credit.

All Credit Scores Approved

Proven To open door to unsecured Credit for your dream home,new car and your kids education

Obtain exclusite access to “top secret”Credit boosting Sources

Our trusted lenders can provide you with a Substantial amount of Credit Offers Even Offers even With Bad or no credit

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Wait how is this even possible?

You see, most people don't understand the little known "secret" to improving their credit score, and it's easier to achieve than you think...

It's a FACT! The more available credit you have, the higher your scores go up!!

As a lifetime member of Credit Surge, you'll receive exclusive "insider secret sources" from leading financial experts to skyrocket your score FAST.

And it doesnt matter a hill of beans if you have terrible credit, so-so credit, no credit or maxed out credit!

At credit surge we've made it easy for people with less than perfect credit obtain as much as $40,000 in UNSECURED revolving and installment lines of credit.

Now you can join thousand of our grateful clients who went from having rock bottom scores to thousands of dollars of approved credit

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Do you understand the Real way credit works?

Credit Agencies don’t want you to know this!

Most people are literally clueless

Your credit score, also known as a FICO® Score, is a three-digit number that is calculated using information on your credit report from the three leading consumer reporting agencies.

Lenders, insurers, and even employers will make financial judgments and decisions based on that number.

Lenders use that number to assess your credit risk and determine if you can be trusted to pay back your credit obligations in a timely manner.

Your score is also what helps you obtain more credit based on your actual borrowing and repayment history.

According to FICO, there are five main factors that go into calculating your scores:

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Imagine thousands of dollars of available credit at your fingertips!

If You’re Like Most people a Significant increase in Your credit score would change things in your life for the better right now

You would be able to finally get approved for your dream home, buy that new car, purchase a luxury vacation, college education for your kids, or whatever else you desire!

If you're serious about raising your credit scores FAST, then membership in Credit Boosting Secrets is right for you.

The life-changing benefits of joining Credit Boosting Secrets include....

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Easy Approval Even If You Have Bad Credit!

Build Good Credit And Look Good Doing It!

Up to $50,000 Worth Of Guaranteed Credit

No Credit check

0% Interest

Instant Approval Can Happen In Under An Hour

Average Score Increase From 50-100+ Points In The Next No Credit Check 45 - 60 Days

How much is getting up to $50,000 in purchasing power to boost your credit score worth to you?

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Quick Question...
Hundreds? Thousands of dollars? Hold on to your hat...

Why getting thousands of dollars of unsecured credit is your “Secret Weapon” for boosting your score

Even if you don't need the money right now, obtaining thousands of dollars in unsecured credit is the key for turning around your credit for the better.

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Here's how it works...

As you can see in the chart above, 30% of your score represents the amount you "owe" and what available credit you have and 10% is determined by new credit.

Know this:1/3 of your score is dependent on this factor, so the more available credit you have, the higher your score will be.

In other words, your options for improving your score are (1) to spend less on your credit card, (2) ask your card issuer to raise your credit limit, or (3) add a new card to increase your available credit, which can boost your score within 60 days!

For example, if you currently have a $5,000 credit card limit, and you owe $4,500 on it, then you are at a 90% usage rate.

This dramatically HURTS your FICO score.

But by simply adding $10,000 in new credit, you would now only owe $4,500 on $15,000 of available credit, bringing your utilization down from 90% to 30%.

In this case, your FICO score would skyrocket.

Additionally, since the $10,000 is 'new credit,' your score would improve again.

100% Satisfaction

Repair, Restore & Rebuild Your Credit Like a Pro

Let us show you how to strengthen and build your credit profile so you can live the life that you deserve!

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Are You Ready To Surge Your Credit and Increase Your Buying Power?

Do you Need to Rebuild or Re-Establish Your Credit?

Do You Want To Learn the Secrets To Getting Approved For High Limit Credit Cards?

Do You Need Funding For Your New or Existing Business?

Do You Need To Get Approved For A Home, Car or A Loan?

Why you need to Deal with Bad Credit now

Inability to Receive Loans

Whether it’s a mortgage, a car loan or funding for a business project, a poor credit score means that lenders do not want to give you money.

Lack of Opportunities

People with poor credit can pay up to three times the interest rates on loans compared to those with excellent credit. That means that even if you get a loan, your monthly payments will be incredibly high.

Higher Interest Rates

People with poor credit can pay up to three times the interest rates on loans compared to those with excellent credit.
That means that even if you get a loan, your monthly payments will be incredibly high.

Daily Stress

Having poor credit means that you may be receiving phone calls from debt collectors, overdue payment notices for your bills and a wide range of other issues that keep your financial situation on top of your mind.

The Most Powerful Credit Repair Course

How to Strategically and Legally Remove Inaccurate Information

Important Laws To Be Aware Of Pertaining To Credit Repair

What Is Included In The Make Up Your Credit Score

How To Decipher Responses From The Credit Bureaus

How To Negotiate & Settle With Creditors & Collection Agencies

Learn The Secret Credit Mix of Accounts

How To Build a Strong Credit Profile By Adding Positive Accounts

How To Carefully Analyze & Breakdown Your Credit Report

How To Reverse Late Payments

How To Use Advanced Disputing Techniques

How To Structure Your Credit Report Using Important Data Points To Increase Your Approvals

Build Healthy Credit Habits For The Future


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  • Unlimited Credit Disputes

  • Monthly 3 Bureau Reports & Scores

  • ReScoreIt Credit Simulator

  • Target Score Simulator

  • Money Simulator

  • US-Based ID Restoration Service

  • Enhanced Credit Report Monitoring

  • TransUnion Quickview

  • Credit Score Tracker

  • Debt Management Tool

  • Informative Step-By-Step Webinars

  • Exclusive Access to Credit Builder Resources.

  • Point & Click List of 19 Lines of Primary Credit Lines

  • ​Access To Exclusive Automated Software To Dispute All 3rd Party Bureaus

  • Access To Our List of High Limit AGED Revolving Accounts For An Ultimate Boost

  • Members Only Credit Coaching Calls

  • Up to $1 Million in Stolen Funds Reimbursement

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This is an exclusive list of 100’s of lenders and the exact credit bureaus that they pull from. Before you apply for any credit it’s important to know what credit score they are looking for and what credit bureau they will use to determine if they are going to extend you credit. This source will allow you to strategically maximize your credit profile and funding options.

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